
Stay Safe

0800 REVERSE is there whenever you or your kids need help

On average, 74% of students run low on credit 43 times a year and completely out of credit 29 times a year*. So 0800 Reverse is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week , so kids always have a way of getting in touch with family or friends when they really need to. If they happen to find themselves in a threatening or uncomfortable situation, help or advice from loved ones is just a phone call away with 0800 Reverse.

And just because you're out of credit, doesn't mean you're out of luck. You can still make a call to 0800 Reverse and access is free from most Pay as You Go mobiles (O2, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Three, Orange, Giffgaff, Tesco,EE & Virgin Mobiles), and all landline phones.

Be Prepared

0800 Reverse is a handy tool that gives kids the freedom to go out with their friends but still stay connected to home even when they run out of credit or cash. Commonly the service is used to make a quick call to Mum and Dad or friends asking them to call them back. That way if their plans change, they need a lift or there is an emergency they can use this handy safety tool to get in touch with a loved one. By just dialing 0800...followed by the numbers that spell R-E-V-E-R-S-E on their keypad, they can get connected. Since you never know when you might need to use the service in an emergency, we recommend that kids or really anyone who may need the service save the 0800 Reverse number into their phone, so it's easy to access if they ever need it in a hurry.

So be prepared and save 0800 R-E-V-E-R-S-E. That's 0800 7-3-8-3-7-7-3 into your phone.

*0800 Reverse research, August 2010